Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ecoloons being blamed for Ozzie floods

Happy now, twat?

It seems that the devastating floods in Queensland could have been prevented, or at least could have been less severe if a dam had been built as suggested over thirty years ago, after the last major flood.

However, plans were rejected by 'those who know better' after succesful lobbying by the usual eco fascists and tree huggers.

Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett on Wednesday said he made the interim decision to reject the controversial $1.8 billion plan to dam the Mary River because evidence showed it could kill off endangered species.

“The project would have serious and irreversible effects on national listed species such as the Australian lungfish, the Mary River turtle and the Mary River cod – both of those endangered."

As is now Brisbane....

On a brighter note, it's good to see the backlash against the doom mongers and global warming nut jobs gathering apace.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to see what happens mhowever the green filth are already trying to play the AGW card on it.
Hope it backfires on the thieving pigs.

microdave said...

They won't apologise - you're dealing with people who see the human race as evil, and won't be happy until we're all dead.

On second thoughts......all the human race EXCEPT the Greenies, who're obviously far superior beings.

Lady Virginia Droit de Seigneur said...

You may not be aware of this but Garrett is one of those eco-loons. He's been on Greenpeace's international board for example.

He was the lead singer of Midnight Oil who had a hit in the UK in 1989 with Beds are Burning but who were one of the biggest acts in Australia in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Their songs are a smorgasbord of left wing issues at the time - Aboriginal Rights, anti-logging, CND ( Garrett's first attempt to get into mainstream politics was to stand for the Australian senate for the Nuclear Disarmament Party in the mid 80s), republicanism, self-hatred of European Australians all rounded off with a very strong dose of anti-Americanism (try listening to songs like "US Forces").

He's genuinely believes a lot of the nonsense he's been spouting for 30 years but the chances of getting rational decisions out of him are pretty low.

Lady Virginia Droit de Seigneur said...

Oh yeah I forgot to mention - as you would expect he's the Australian equivalent of a public schoolboy as well.

Joe Public said...

"“The project would have serious and irreversible effects on national listed species such as the Australian lungfish, the Mary River turtle and the Mary River cod – both of those endangered."

Ironically, they won't survive the catastrophic torrents from the floods anyway.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Rab, the fucking turtles are an important ecological species. It's easy to mock turtles, but if you were going to end up in a tin of soup, you wouldn't be so fucking smart.

banned said...

As James Delingpole points out in your link, the money that should have been spent on reparing and building new dams was diverted to create desalination plants which turn salt water into fresh since Australia was set to become perma-desert because of "all that global warming".

It's also been pointed out that many of the older houses in the flooded region are built on stilts, one wonders why?

monkey said...

but its water, it natural its the earth telling us that we need to change and show it more respect.......shit slap must be the organic wine im drinking