It's been fun.
Blog will be deleted in a week or so. Many thanks to everyone who has visited/linked/commented etc.
All RantinRab accounts will be deleted today.
update - I will leave the blog to hibernate. Twitter/E mail/Facebook accounts are now gone.
Wha' ?
Awwww why man?
Goodbye and good luck.
Just as the greaseballs file back into parliament? Do think again, chap. And is deletion entirely necessary? :(
However, if you're irreversibly decided, then the very best wishes to you, fella.
That's a bit sudden, Rab. What happened?
Oh, what a shame.
I hope you'll be back.
You did a great job. Any chance of telling us why you are giving it up? Moving on to even better things I hope. Anyway, whatever it is I wish you well with it, JD.
Aye well, we ken where tae find ye!
WV = endlo
Eh? What's happened?
This is a dark day.
I hope nothing sinister has forced you to take this decision.
Regards and all the best Rab.
Best of luck in your ventures elsewhere.
You'll be missed, for sure.
Think it through before you do press that delete button.
I don't know what the circumstances are, and you've no need to tell any of us if you don't want to, but it might not be a necessary step.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
What happened did the nonce jotter sign in day change?
Farewell old boy and thanks for the rants.
Aye, no need to delete, surely?
I see the twitter feed has gone, which sucks enough, don't do the same to the blog!
Rab, seriously, don't delete it. Please?
Nothing sinister folks!
Family first, it's as simple as that.
Appreciate the good wishes, cheers!
Someone defeat Rab's dastardly plan and copy the blog first.
All the best mate.
Family first is the best reason in the world.
Respect to you Rab. You'll be missed greatly, but as you say, family comes first.
Good luck to you and yours.
I'll not delete, I'll leave it to fester....
Don't be a fucking cunt all your life!
All the best Rab and hope everything works out for you. You'll be missed, you jock twat, but hopefully we'll see you around these parts again one day ;-)
Do what you have to do, but I don't really understand why you want to delete the blog rather than just cease blogging and leaving the archive here.
Only knew you as a blogger for a short time. You were good mate, don't forget that. Thank you.
Fuck....Just as it seemed you were getting back into the swing of things!
Bloody shame Rab, but as you said, family first. I hope you will still poke your nose in elsewhere from time to time.
All the best.
Thanks for your witty & thought-provoking posts Rab. I've enjoyed 'em.
[Hope you ain't been leant-on by your bosses!]
If J R Ewing can return, let's hope your Blog can.
Probably one of the best blogs on the net!
Real shame but your right family first and this can be quite all consuming.....not exactly conducive for quality family life.
Good luck and best wishes for the future.
Oh, no, not another one.
Good luck anyway, even if nothing ever enrages you enough to revive the place. In which case, stay away from the Daily Mail. Reading that without venting can cause serious health risks.
You'll be missed, but family does indeed come first. Take care, and hope to see you back when things improve...
See ya mate, do what you gotta do.
But don't delete, just put it on 'hiatus' as the TV people say.
Most of us are using feedburner or something similar so will know if you do the occasional post.
Take care.
Fuck, you go off on a bender one day...
All the best to you and the Rablet - hope to hear from you again in the not-too-distant future.
Ah well, all the best then. You're quite right: family first.
You'll be missed, at the very least by me.
Best of, to you all.
Sorry to hear this, Rab, hope it's not permanent, mate.
Sorry to hear it.
I have a feeling you'll be back tho'
Good Lord.
One, as a middle class Englishman, finds the first literate Scot since Adam Smith and as soon as I've found him he disappears?
Would it help if I pretended never to read you, that you'd come back?
Sorry to hear it. Best wishes for the future.
Ta fur the laffs!
Top blog, you'll be missed.
So where will you turn up next, when you miss all of this bollocks and have some spare time on your hands sometime next Year?
Till then....
Rab, take care of yourself & the family. Leave the blog up so people can read and visit. Good luck for a great future.
Wha wouldnae fecht fe family?
You will be missed. There are very few blogs really worth reading - yours is one of them.
All the best to you and yours - you Scottish bastard ye!
Thanks for the laughs and for expressing so eloquently the anger we all share. Hope you come back some time and best wishes to your family.
Best of luck mate, shame to see a top blogger close down :-(
OFFS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Bollocks. I spent days last week trying to work out the blog feed thingy and no sooner do I get you on it then your offski.
If you won't reconsider then bugger off then Judas........ we'll get along just fine without the sharp humour and pithy thoughts.
Odd though... how good bloggers seem to be being picked off..... one by one.
Sorry to see you retiring the blog, but as you say, family must come first. Hope that you will return at some future date though. Seems to be an outbreak of blog retirements recently, is it post GE fatigue?
I've thoroughly enjoyed your efforts and participation on t'Internet.
Looking forward to your return - ...some day!
Take care Rab, and may your own Sky Pixie look over you and your family.
I'm bereft, Rab. bet you miss it too much and get back soon.
A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
-- John Bowring
A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
-- John Bowring
A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
-- John Bowring
So long . Good luck . Keep the rage burning.
Rab Ya Bam
In the name of friar tuck , I take a wee sabbatical and come back to this news.
Tell the truth bro - the terms of your parole now forbid you from going anywhere near a computer.. lol.
Seriously Rab - it's been a pleasure reading your inane pish on a regular basis.
keep the faith and don't ever let the Bustards get you down .
........family is the best reason to pack in - and also explains my other previous aborted attempt at blogging....
Cheers Rab.
All the best Rab. Too many good people have disappeared in the last year. Nothing sinister I hope!
Sorry to see it go. I've always enjoyed reading your stuff from the shadows.
Come back eventually, and let me know when you do.
Awwww fuck, fuck fuckety fuck. Hope the family thrives Rab and you'll do an Arnie and be back sometime. Meanwhile I'll just have to read all the other lesser blogs. TC mate.
I know how you feel, Rab. It's not just the writing, it's all the reading you have to do first. I've done hours of it today and can't be bothered writing a post now (as usual).
And dagummit, there's so much to get mad about and put it into writing.
Anyway, look after yourself and enjoy your extra free time.
Take care Rab and enjoy the wee'un, we will miss you and your wit or whatever it was...fucking funny though!
Bugger!!!,Have only recently found your blog. Good luck and pop in and see us from time to time. You are always welcome!
Thanks for everything, esp. the advice about food dating.
Have just used this on a cache of juice blocks which can be used instead of being binned as if they had turned in to nuclear waste at the stroke of midnight.
Best wishes
The Penguin
Hang on - check diary. No - not April 1st! Appreciate your reasons. I will carry on your torch by prodding my Scots affiliate who will be equally distressed to see you go.
You are of course welcome back any time!!
All the best mate.
WTF?? Angryteen, The Big Yin at Freedom 2 Choose, Constantly Furious and now you??? The Coalition may not be shitting in our open mouths like Labour did but they're still a shower of greedy authoritarian fuck nuts. Why are all the bloogers packing it in?
Good luck old chap!
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Come and kick arse in a supermarket in Stornoway. We might get some fresh veg before mid-day.
Live Long & Propser young Rab.
Dr Evadne Hinge (Divinity of Muzak, North Bank University).
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