'Howzat!'So what's been happening? Have the country's ills been cured by the new Koalishin?
Ah, same old
same old.....
They. Are. All. The. Fucking. Same.
Stuff this, let's take to the streets with some molotov cocktails*.
*best wait 'till the price falls below a quid a litre,and after Britain's Got Talent has been on.
And Laws just sent back all of our pot plants because he said it was a waste of taxpayers money !!
"and after Britain's Got Talent has been on."
Better wait till Prezzers been guest presenter on HIGNFY next week. I hope Hislop will tear him apart!
Mine's a Laphraoig, cocktails are so yesterday.
Why would anyone want a revolution? After viewing your link to "the scheme" I couldn't help noticing everyone had a lcd tv and hardly anyone wasn't smoking all the time. I am sure these scenes are repeated in every housing estate across the UK. The politicians maybe moneygrabbing dogs but I am finally beginning to believe you get the leaders you deserve.
Indeed Toni, indeed.
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