Friday, September 25, 2009


'Pass me the remote please honey...'

I've been having a fairly miserable week so far. I'm off work, taking a weeks holiday, and typically I've fallen ill with the dreaded manflu.

I'm over the worst. Tuesday and Wednesday were the worst with coughing fits, a nose running like Niagara falls, headache and a sore body. I rarely fall ill, but when I do it knocks me for six. My wife has been great, looking after me and worrying about me. It should be me looking after her. After all she is heavily pregnant, but I did manage to carry the hoover up the stairs for her the other day!

I've just remembered I had some 'homework' to do for work that I promised I would complete and send in by 9am this morning. Too late to be worrying about it now, I'll just take the beating when I get back to work. Such is life...

I was dragged out the house yesterday to get some 'fresh air' as I hadn't ventured out the door in three days. I didn't enjoy it.

So to the point of my dribbling post...

Manflu. Or any kind of man illness.

Our wimmen folk take great delight in pointing out that us men can't handle being ill and that the fairer sex seem to cope better with illness. I agree wholeheartedly. And there is a scientific* reason for this.

It goes back in time to the hunter gatherer days of the stone age. The men folk would risk their lives just leaving the cave to go hunting woolly mammoth and sabre tooth tigers. So they had to be 100% fit. Coughs. aches. pains and a runny nose would mean CERTAIN DEATH. Thus any minor illness would hit the male side of the species harder, flooring us, than the female side who could quite happily carry on hoovering the cave with a bad cold.

So ladies, there you have it. Your menfolk aren't milking it when they are ill. It all goes back to the days of Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. Honest!

*probably. And if there isn't there should be...



The Economic Voice said...

Rab I know what you mean....

When my wife was due to pop 18 months ago I was stricken down by the evil manflu....

She looked after me, the other 3 kids, my disabled mother and managed to dig the garden after 12 hours down pit.

RantinRab said...

Where would we be without them!

The pub, probably.

The Economic Voice said...

Nah.....Amsterdam :-)

manwiddicombe said...

Is this an accurate portrayal?

RantinRab said...

It certainly is!

Anonymous said...

but you're not a hunter-gatherer dear, them days are long gone so stop milkin it. would you even know how to go out and catch and kill dinner? and a visit to the local butcher doesn't count :p

woman on a raft said...

Does road kill count? I mean, provided you run it over yourself and don't just be a hunter-scavenger.

SaltedSlug said...

Not sure about the Manflu; sounds more like the Manthrax.
