It would appear that I have been at this malarky for a year.
How time flies when you're having fun.
So, to my readers and commenters a huge thank you. I know a lot of you have been 'with me' since day one. It means a lot to know that other peeps are reading what I have dribbled into the lap-top.
I remember being delighted when I was getting fifty hits a day, now on a good day I'm getting nearly 1500. It adds a bit of pressure when trying to compose a post...
It's so easy to give up and pack it in. I've nearly done it several times.
But that would mean that 'they' would win. And we can't have that now, can we?
Happy Birthday RantinRab :p
Good One Rab.
Keep it up!
Best wishes for another year!
Vote Tory, Rab!
1500 hits a day? Fucking Show off ;¬)
Happy Blogday Rab!!
Lang may ye continue!
Keep going. I enjoy your rants.
Thanks people.
Conan, I might add that 'good days' are few and far between!
As you say, is it only a year? I'd have guessed two at least.
Rab Ya Bam
So you recall the days when you only got 50 hits a day ?
I count my self lucky that I manage that number now .. LOL
I count my blessings that I have a small but loyal band of readers who frequent my humble blog on a fairly regular basis - one of whom is your good self .
Congratulations Rab - you deserve all the acolades coming your way bro
Regards TBD
"But that would mean that 'they' would win. And we can't have that now, can we?"
Indeed. Keep bugging.
Happy Blogday, Rab.... lang may yer lum reek!
Happy Birthdy Rab. celebrate by having a day out in Tesco. A change is as good as a rest!
Happy Burday
Very good Rab, nice one.
Shame you stopped dropping by my place since you no longer wanted to be associated with my brand of awkwardness.
Still, it's helped your stats along by sounds of it and that's all that counts.
Nicely done. Good principles.
Oh, btw, as you're celebrating, maybe you could offer up some thanks to Anna Raccoon for helping you out with the avatar?
Would be the polite thing. Keep the spirit of the club up and alive.
Ooh. Libartarians fall out...
Is there a rule?
yeah, the rule is, you follow the country club flock like a good sheep or get thrown out the fold.
Very incestuous lark this impressive bit of irony, I have to say.
Oh do fuck off JD, eh!
I drop in to your place every day.
All this 'flame war' guff aint my scene man.... Never was and never will be.
Fact is, I feel uncomfortable leaving comments at yours.
Why feel uncomfortable?
Do I attack you on mine? Have I not been a fairly friendly 'face' since you appeared on the scene a year back?
I think you saw what was going on, the friction and the arguments and you didn't want certain people to see you hovering around in case that affected your stats.
Sorry, but that's how it seems.
Why feel awkward, though? That's a mighty think skinned excuse.
JD, I just typed out a long reply but just before I published it I thought, 'what's the point?' and deleted it.
I was going to post a long comment about how your brand of suck up arse licking is everything that is wrong with political blogging, but I deleted it.
Kev, you're a weapons grade baw bag. Now fuck off.
Baw bag or no, his simple reply is pretty much spot on. And rather funny too.
You're a stats whore, Rab. That's fine, your business, but don't knock us for doing things differently to you and the Club.
JD, nope you're wrong.
Funny how the insults started when I mention how many hits I get on a good day.
The two of you are out of order, I didn't ask for this and I didn't insult the two of you until you started.
I've stayed out of the 'blog war' bullshit.
The only club I'm a member of is the Rab club. I make no apology for my support for Old Holborn. Yeah, he is a glory hunting cunt. Big deal, he knows it, I know it, the whole fucking world knows it. I've told him he's a cunt plenty of times.
I don't understand why the two of you guys get off on throwing shit at everyone. We all have a common enemy. We should focus our efforts in defeating it.
oh dear the green eyed children have came out to play, no likey no read, simples
Fuck hits and stats, not interested.
Question: Why do you support Old Holborn's election campaign?
See you pair, just fuck off and paly in the traffic, somewhere around Hyde Park Corner would be OK
Self obsessed wankers
What's your beef with Boaty & D Bugger...oh wait, you're one of OH's love-pals aren't you?
Who is OH?
and more to the point, who the fuck are you.
Shite, I don't care a wank, just pish off.
Maybe I was wrong. You just sound like one of them.
OK, I'll pish off, bye.
Listen you keich, I sound like one of them.
One of whom?
Who in the fuck's name are you, and your fuckbuddy Boateng?
Are you a Patrick Fitzhenry and Henry Fitzpatrick coupling who has just wandered into the Scottish blogosphere looking for sympathy and understanding.
If you are really and truly looking for a modicum of sympathy and understanding just bugger off because you will find sweet fuck all for you here.
Stick to the Round Table, you're not quite ready for the Rotary dear chaps. You are well out of your envelope here.
I can really and truly offer you some words of advice and recommend a sycophantic aromatherapist for what ails you.
Try Mrs Dale's Diary.
No not the BBC R4 one, although that may help youse, but the blog one
Good luck and stay where you belong, thank you.
OK, cunt.
Thank you
Glad we can find a common ground.
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