ACPO of England and Wales have called for the expansion of the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme and have targeted bouncers and security officers.
Basically any Tom, Dick or Harriet who have been accredited can issue fines, photograph people in the street and ask for details. (PAPERS PLEASE...).
Critics have called for a halt to the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme, saying it amounts to 'state-sanctioned vigilantism'.
There are already 1,667 people, including town hall workers and car park attendants, as well as bouncers and security guards, with powers under the scheme.
Nicknamed 'Jacqui Smith's Irregulars' after the former Home Secretary, their numbers have rocketed by a fifth in only a year
20% rise in a year? That's a lot of Hi Viz jackets. I wish I bought shares in a safety workwear firm...
But new guidance issued by the Association of Chief Police Officers, or Acpo, instructs Chief Constables to target the country's 100,000 guards and 50,000 door supervisors as it seeks to expand the scheme.
So, why the rush to target all these people?
The move is particularly controversial because Acpo is directly involved in approving private firms which want to join the CSAS.
Security companies pay between £450 and £600 for an assessment by a private company owned by Acpo, and between £32 and £132 for each accredited employee.
Councils and other public sector organisations pay between £300 and £315 to be accredited, and £35 to £90 per employee
Ah, there we go. Follow the money trail....
All allowed to happen under Labour's watch.
It seems, Rab, The Brits love the idea of a totalitarian state. One day they might trouble themselves to visit Dachau.
Acpo is a private company,it has no right to "instruct"any-one,and even less right to "accredit"the type of thugs that infest club doorways.So we see that anything can be turned into a "business"even violence.
A traffic warden was indispute with a motor cyclist and objected to having his photo taken, as the cyclist was entitled to do.
“Go and give that to your wife because I'll be f***ing her soon.” said the warden.
Mr Djangoly, 46, said it was effectively a threat of rape, which he said was particularly alarming as private parking contractors have access to the DVLA database, including motorists' home addresses.
Expect this one to be pulled as Westminster begins to panic, so spend the minute watching it now.
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