Monday, August 16, 2010

Tony knows....

The survey also reveals that eight out of ten people want a full inquest. With senior MPs making the same demand, the Coalition is under strong pressure to act.

It comes as a medical report says it was ‘impossible’ that Dr Kelly bled to death in the way described by the inquiry.

Just ask Tony Bliar. He knows...


Dioclese said...

I blame Francis Urquhart.
I'm also doing a piece on this as I think it is very important that we keep the pressure up. The state must accountable to the poeple, not the other way around.

Oldrightie said...

Tony told Campbell to do whatever it takes to silence Dr Kelly.

Anonymous said...

Dr Kelly knew too much, he went from being a government scientist specialising in weapons of mass destruction, to liability in one week. He didn't kill himself, he was not suicidal. No fingerprints on the pruning knife and his body moved. Too much blood in his body, not enough blood on the ground.

A black four wheel drive car was seen in a lane near the wood where his body was found. Several men wearing dark suits were seen in the area before Dr Kelly's body was found. None of this was investigated and the witnesses were not asked to attend the inquiry.

In my opinion it was a professional hit.
