Friday, August 7, 2009

The dreams of my father - President Obama

tip of the manky bandage to Dazed and Confused


Fausty said...

Blimey! Imagine the fate you or I would suffer if we spouted the same rhetoric!

The Young Oligarch said...

Good one , Rab .

I take it the Dear Leader was on the bus in Buchanan Street during the Sighthill / Govanhill Baths racial provocation .

I was in a nearby bar , during my holi-bags from work "down south" .
The regime was not popular , even then , amongst the normal folk of Glasgow .

When will we have politics to suit us , rather than have politics thrust upon us by our "socialist" masters ?

Barking Spider said...

This stuff is pure dynamite, Rab - a real eye-opener for a lot of people if they were ever in any doubt.

NoBigDealReally said...

It's a lot of stuff quoted out of context with the purpose of showing him in a bad light, and it still fails to do so.

You have to remember - in the USA that Obama grew up in, people like Obama were lynched because of the colour of their skin, the Ku Klax Klan murdered and tortured people like him.

You know how much Scotchers whinge about the English, so put yourself in his place.

RantinRab said...

What the Fuck are scotchers?

Anonymous said...


How glad you could join us behind your wall of anonymity, which is of course is oh so predictable. As when I think of loathsome cowards, then the images of "self serving Socialists", employing their "divide and rule" tactics are always close behind.

Even here on this thread You Muse: - "You know how much Scotchers whinge about the English, so put yourself in his (Obama's) place."

So Rab must empathise with in Obama's own damned words, a black racist, put himself in mid sixties America, and then realise that he himself, is some sort of downtrodden "ethnic" shackled by that evil anathema of England, and then sympathise, neigh agree with you, that Obama can be excused?

The sheer contempt I have for you people knows no bounds. Is there any politically correct veneer Worldwide, that you people haven't as yet, hidden behind?


The Young Oligarch said...

NoBigDealReally said...

"You have to remember - in the USA that Obama grew up in, people like Obama were lynched because of the colour of their skin, the Ku Klax Klan murdered and tortured people like him."

You're right ! There was hunners of that about in Hawaii during the 70's . I seen it on Magnum , PI !

Well said Dazed and Confused .

RantinRab said...

Top class D&C!

Anonymous said...

Alas, when it comes to American politics, you can't believe a damn thing that anyone says. Bit like British politics in that way.

Mark Wadsworth said...

I can't be arsed watching the whole vid, but the point is that Obama isn't black is he? He is a white guy pretending to be black.