A few weeks ago I was told by my boss that I have to go on a training course. Nothing new there, having been on numerous courses of the many years of my employment I expected the usual nonsense, staff appraisal techniques, health and safety or similar.
But no.
Imagine my surprise/shock/horror when I found out that the course that I
simply must attend is a course entitled Equality and Diversity.
I have been nominated for 're-education'.
It seems that the Righteous have infected the company I work for. A company that is well known for a no nonsense and simplistic approach to it's business which has made it very successful household name. All managers must attend the brain washing course. Failure or objection will mean an end to any career advancement prospects. So the righteous mantra of 'comply or else' applies.
So, my employer has labelled me as a racist, sexist homophobe, amongst other 'ists' and 'phobes' and I must be cleansed.
The Righteous are all around us, in every part our lives from work to leisure, in our homes via the television and radio. The 're-education' of the general populace is un-relentless. Some of the mind control techniques are obvious, but most are not.
In every town and city in the land, there are sections of society who have not worked for a generation or more, in some cases three generations of the same family have not earned a wage. They receive everything they require from the Righteous. Food, clothing. Everything. They dance, unwittingly, to the tune played by the piper. They are told what to do and when to do it. When they fall foul of the rules they are punished, just to remind them of who is in charge. Got an appointment at the Job Centre? If you are one minute late you are punished, go away and make another appointment. Comply comply comply. An easy target.
Our local authorities are riddled with them. Armed with ridiculous rules and regulations their aim is to ensure obedience and compliance from the people they are supposed to serve. I dare you to put your wheelie bin out too early, or overfilled. Don't even think about putting anything that can be re-cycled into your general rubbish bin. You will feel the wrath of the Righteous. They employ our children as snoopers, encouraging them to report everything they see to them. They spend our money on their pet righteous projects, rather than fixing the holes in the road. We can only buy alcohol or cigarettes from approved outlets, the proprietors of the outlets having passed the demands made on them before they are allowed to make a living. So infected are local authorities, so brain washed by the righteous thought process, they are filled with non jobs. Jobs which have nothing to do with running a county or district, but have everything to do with controlling the thoughts and actions of the people.
Our television channels are filled with righteous messages, dressed up as entertainment or educational programmes, sandwiched between the mind numbing tedium of fly on the wall documentaries or talent shows. Push the message to the masses, but give them something else to talk about the next day, don't let them think too much. Who else but the Righteous would allow soap operas to promote homosexual relationships on tea time TV as a lifestyle choice? Why are all villians on TV white heterosexual men?
Our prisons are filled to bursting point but instead of building more, the call is for more 're-habilitation and re-education'. Righteous style. A parole board will easily allow early release if the prisoner shows he has responded to the re-education dished out by the Righteous that control the justice system in this country. Crimes against the state are dealt with more harshly than crimes against individuals. Why else would a mugger get two years for beating a pensioner to near death for her pension whilst a tax evader will get five or more years? A crime against the state is seen as a crime against the Righteous.
Our public services are third rate. Go to the doctor's surgery and sit and wait until you are called, even though your allotted appointment time passed by over half an hour ago. Yet another example of controlling the masses. We quietly grumble to ourselves but accept it as a fact of life. They get off on the power they have.
The victim mentality that this country suffers from is a direct result of the Righteous agenda. Common criminals are labelled 'victims of their circumstances' rather than crooks. Excuses are made for them and responsibility removed from them. Re-education follows.
Everyone is a winner, they cry. Sports day at school is not about actually winning or being good at something, it's all about taking part. The fat lazy kid gets the same plaudits as the fastest sprinter in the class. Any child at school who displays any talent for being a winner quickly realises that there is no reward for it. Comply and blend in with the rest. Schools will not encourage and assist, the Righteous will not allow it.
I could go on and on, but I would lose the will to live. I will not, however, lose the will to fight back against them.
How dare they label me.